Author Topic: FFL Official Rulebook (Read 127 times)
("Rico", "Green")
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 FFL Official Rulebook
« Jun 18, 2013 11:10:28 GMT -5 »

Team Owner Rules:
Rule(1). Each team needs a Required amount of 3 players to play a single game (2 Players + Team owner)
Rule(2). Each team must have only 5 Players in advance to roster, If your team has over 5 Team owner will be fined 1 Rare or 20 GB's (In-game)
Rule(3). Each team owner must have 2 Wrs and a QB. Backup QB if owner or that Official QB cant be online
Rule(4). Each team owner must be active or you'r spot will be taken away from you.
Rule(5). If a team owner or a player kicks another team or team owner, will be fined 35 Gbs or 2 Rares

Council Rules/Ref:
Rule(1). Each ref should be active during games, Paying attention and know what they are doing.
Rule(2). Each ref must know all Calls and Read the full rulebook.
Rule(3). Each ref Must call legit Calls and have someone useing Hypercam for the game.
Rule(4). All Refs must make sure rooms are lock and only players and Refs get Password.
Rule(5). There are warns. If a player get 2 Warnings, the 3rd warning leads to a player Ejection.

Global Rules.

If you are told to be benched sit down, and dont complain about PT. you will get in.

If a player dosen't get any playing time, the owner will be fined 4 Rares

NEW Tackle (Trucking)
In order to Truck the ball Carrier, Once the Ball Carrier gets hold of the Football, run his Direction, and Run right thru him. To angle tackle him, its the same just run right thru him, but in an angle form. Just like HFA angles. Anything else is the same as HFA tackles
Main rules
At most 2 refs
4v4 to 4v3. We will have a ref t.o if its only 3 players on Defense.
The ball will be set 5 spaces behind the QB. When u set the QB uses puts the time starter on the sack timer
then the QB either can pass or hand off.
No angles in behind the line of scrimmage plays. If your running the ball and you and your defender go through
each other than that's a truck. To catch u must sit on the ball and if a defender is near u it would be whom of u to stay
in ur place
When the ball is set u have to block ur man at all times or they will
have the ability to get the ball.
When the sack timer goes out the LB must chase after the QB and sack him before he throws
the football. If you truck your offender then its lost ball down at rec tod. To inc the ball
you must either jump with the wr or tip it. If you just stop infront of the ball and he stays on the ball its a Moss. If
you do the same its moss int. If he stands there and u step on and step off u must step back on it or tip it to catch it.
Special Teams
They ball is set on the 2 and walk through is turned off.
If the catching player calls FC he is kneeing. If you hit him after he calls FC
then its a penalty and the ball will be set at the 30 by 5's a yardline
If you are on Defense and you blitz the QB [pass line of scrimmage] before the timer goes off it is a Defensive
holding penalty. If you are the QB and u set with the ball under you it is an automatic penalty -1.
If your false start the snap call then its a Penalty -2.
Team Owners
You can only have from 4-6 players to be qualified to have a game.If you don't during game day you will auto fft
And you mite be close to losing your Job if its not done directly on time which is the day after you fft

only pay fines to me or dive !!

« Last Edit: Jun 18, 2013 21:05:15 GMT -5 by Mr.Dive » Back to Top  

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